Start up Heart Gold or Soul Silver. Before clicking on your save file, scroll down and click on mystery gift. then click on receive via WFC. (You have to have wifi connection to do this) Receive the gift. Click on your file and go to any pokemart and talk to a deliveryman.
If you mean the gracedia flower, you can't. The only way was to win it in an online event. The winners received the flower. Sorry
it was for an event to get shaymin. you need to take Oaks laeter to that part and it will unlok a secret path to get to shaymin..
there is a Nintendo event maybe at gamestop and go to it with Pokemon heartgold and soulsilver and there you will get celibi
action replay
near the Pokemon league
Winners path is a pokewalker route given out as a mystery gift event.
Munchlax,Magikarp,Horsea,Duskull,&Beldum. They all know specail moves.
on the left of the Pokemon league but you need a event item or cheat and you have to go through the flower path and shaymin is lv. 30.
If you mean the gracedia flower, you can't. The only way was to win it in an online event. The winners received the flower. Sorry
Nope. The current events known are: Yellow Forest (over) Winners Path (over) Jirachi (currently happening) Mew Scizor (speacil) Ash's Pikachu Latias (Soul Silver only) Latios (Heart Gold only) The Event Pokemon that can only be obtained via wi-fi events. Some are not in the events listed above. They are: Deoxys Darkrai Shaymin Arceus Please note that they might add events for these pokemon, so don't worry! and victini
There no pokemon event
if you go through the route in victory road where the guy is standing go to a big rock where Oak will be and if you got the event than he will be there along with Marley and you do something with the rock and there will be a path and shaymin will walk in there and walk back up follow the path and shaymin will be there
it was for an event to get shaymin. you need to take Oaks laeter to that part and it will unlok a secret path to get to shaymin..
The fhfhnbgfdyd
go to an event
there will be a next event on pokemon black and white