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Q: How do you get event Pokemon after the event?
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Is there a Pokemon event in Indonesia?

There no pokemon event

How can you get an event Pokemon?

go to an event

When are the next event's on Pokemon White?

there will be a next event on pokemon black and white

Can you more than one Pokemon in a Pokemon event in Pokemon Platinum?

as long as the event is still going on, there is a way. it involves getting the same "event gift" in Pokemon diamond/pearl and trading to Pokemon platinum.

How do you get the event Pokemon in Pokemon SoulSilver?

there is a Nintendo event maybe at gamestop and go to it with Pokemon heartgold and soulsilver and there you will get celibi

How do you find arcaeus in Pokemon Diamond?

Arceus is a event Pokemon so get it from a event thing.

How do you get to eight and nine island in pokemon firered?

u had to be in the special Pokemon event

Where do you get deoxes on Pokemon Platinum?

deoxys is an event pokemon. that event passed forever ago

Were to get meloda on Pokemon Black and White?

meloda is an event pokemon, the date of the event is unknown

Can you catch the event Pokemon in Pokemon Platinum?

Unless you cheat, or trade you cannot get the event Pokemon as they expired ages ago.

Pokemon Diamond how to get Darkrai?

Pokemon event.

How do you get an event Pokemon?

all Pokemon can be event Pokemon it all depends on what moves you teach it and how you treat and make your Pokemon look and the different caps you give it