Cubones can be caught on Seven Island.
Onix can be found on seven island, six island and rock tunnel.
You must beat the seven gym leaders, the elite four, and your rival. Then you have to capture 60 Pokemon to get your Rainbow pass the will allow you to travel to Island 7 in Pokemon FireRed.
you can find a kings rock on seven island in sevault canyon.
Skarmory is a slightly rare pokemon it occasionally appears on Seven Island at Sevault Canyon.
Island Seven. In the ruins.
Seven Island
It is on Seven Island, to the north.
Seven island at sevault canyon.
northern seven island
Cinnibar island if your going in order.
Cubones can be caught on Seven Island.
Larvitar is in Seavault Canyon, which is on Seven Island. (Need rainbow pass to get to Seven Island).
There is no island 9 in either Pokemon FireRed or LeafGreen. Whoever told you this is very off. There are Seven Islands (Sevii Islands)
Evolve Larvitar, which you get at Seavault Canyon on Seven Island.
Onix can be found on seven island, six island and rock tunnel.