Skarmory is a slightly rare pokemon it occasionally appears on Seven Island at Sevault Canyon.
You cannot find a Skarmory in LeafGreen. Skarmory is only in Ruby/Sapphire/EmeraldIt can be found in seavault canyon in firered so i assume its the same place. Seavault canyon is on 7 island
You can only find Skarmory in the Pokemon SoulSilver version.
You go to the old wizard on the third island and he will give you one for help.
Route 45(Rare)
At Stark Mountain At The Battle Zone.
You cannot find a Skarmory in LeafGreen. Skarmory is only in Ruby/Sapphire/EmeraldIt can be found in seavault canyon in firered so i assume its the same place. Seavault canyon is on 7 island
Skarmory can be found on Seven Island in Sevault Canyon.
You can only find Skarmory in the Pokemon SoulSilver version.
Taillow Swellow Wingull Pelipper Skarmory(Maybe) Swablu Altaria
On seven island in sevault canyon its semi-rare.
Skarmory doesn't appear in LeafGreen. You'd have to trade it from Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald/FireRed
You go to the old wizard on the third island and he will give you one for help.
you find skarmory on stark mountain.
skarmory is no legendary pokemon. it can breed and you can find it in the wild.
No Pokemon evolves into skarmory.
Skarmory is a Steel and Flying type pokemon.
At Stark Mountain At The Battle Zone.