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there is no nine and eight island.. however there is a piece of in-game text for 8 & 9 island... you can only get there by action replay or game shark though... look on bulbapedia and type in firered and leaf green (game) and then click around on sevii isles it will tell u about them. to get to bulbapedia go on Google and type bulbapedia in. simple!

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Q: How do you get to nine and eight island on Fire redLeaf green?
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======================================================================================================================================== you can not go there it is only for fire red and leaf green

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You need to go to the Safari Zone and find the Warden's Gold Tooth. When you leave the Safari Zone there is a house in Fuchsia City with an old man whose speech is unrecognizable. Just give him his tooth and he will give you HM4 Strength. Good Luck!!!

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fire red,leaf green- sevi island (south)

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How do you get to go to island 8-9?

there is no island 8 or ninie in Pokemon fire red or leaf green or any other Pokemon fire red and leaf green there is only islands 1,2,3.get further in the game and you'll go to islands 4,5,6,7.

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you can find it on magmite i spelled it rong but it's the three magnet Pokemon just use thief or catch some they are found in the power plant and rarely found in cerlean cave

Where do you get moltres on Pokemon emerald?

you can't get him on emerald ruby or Sapphire. you have to trade him from Pokemon leaf green or fire red to emerald. on Pokemon fire red and leaf green you get him at the end of island 1.