To get to Cinnarbar Island, you have to surf south of Pallet Town. To get to Pallet Town, you need to travel south of Pewter City and go through Viridian City. To get to Pewter City, you need to wake up the Snorlax east of Vermilion and go through Diglett Cave.
building near Pokemon center on cinnabar island
On Pokemon soul silver the cinnabar gym is located inside Seafoam Islands.
You have to have and use the HM 08 Rock Climb, which you obtain from Professor Oak after obtaining all 16 Kanto and Johto gym badges.
beat the power plant and then beat snorlax go through digletts cave beat gyms go to pallet town then surf in an instant your there
You cannot get to Cinnabar Island from Fuchsia City. You have to surf south of Pallet Town to get to Cinnabar Island. Just remember, Blaine is not on Cinnabar Island.
The Cinnabar Island
You can find it on Cinnabar Island.
go south of pallet town
You can find one on Cinnabar Island.
in the kanto region ,on the island of cinnabar
Blaine. Seafoam Island (Cinnabar)
surf at the south of pallet town
From Pallet town surf South and it should be there.
You can find it at cinnabar island but you have to have the move rock climb to get it
building near Pokemon center on cinnabar island
surf through passage ways in front of the island
cinnabar island need 7 kanto badges