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You cannot get to Cinnabar Island from Fuchsia City. You have to surf south of Pallet Town to get to Cinnabar Island. Just remember, Blaine is not on Cinnabar Island.

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Q: How do you get to cinnabar island from fuchisa city?
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You can go from Fuscia City through the Seafoam Islands and surf to Cinnabar Island. Or you can go to Pallet Town and surf south to Cinnabar Island.

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There is no construction on Cinnabar Island. However, there is construction south of Fuchsia City, which you cannot stop. You must surf south of Pallet Town to get to Cinnabar Island.

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Ditto can be found on the Cinnabar island mansion and to the right of Fuchia City.

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You can't. You have to get to pewter city and get there the other way.

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You cannot literally get 'into' Cinnabar Island, but only stay 'on' it. You have to surf south of Pallet Town to get to Cinnabar Island. You cannot go south of Fuchsia City due to construction.

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