Once you beat the fifth gym leader and after going to Celestic town and obtain surf you go to route 218 or left from Jubilife City you surf for like 5 seconds and your in Canalave city its that easy.
In Canalave city, canalave city is next to jubulife city
lots of tenticool are in canalave city
He is the house by the pokecenter in canalave city
you need an action replay
the move deleter in canalave city :) =)
In Canalave city, canalave city is next to jubulife city
get the mind badge at the canalave gym in canalave city
next to canalave city
in canalave city
lots of tenticool are in canalave city
beat the heart home gym
canalave city
He is the house by the pokecenter in canalave city
To get in the library in Pokemon Platinum, simply go to Canalave City and enter the library in the northwest from the Pokemon Center.
He is the gym leader in Canalave City west of Jubilife City.
Yes, because you need to surf from Jubliffe to Canalave.
He is in canalave city in the house right below the Pokemon centre