First, go to a pokemon center, if you have not gotten to Goldenrod city, it will say someone's pc. To get it to say Bill's pc you must speak to bill himself. He is in Goldenrod city at his house. (right) Enjoy using the pokemon pc!
click on the pokemons summary in the PC and in purple it should say pkrs.
you go to move pokemon, and then press the box's name. You can change the name and wallpaper from there.
Answer: Use your stylus (bottom screen)
Selected Pokemon Has Max Happiness: 1206F04A 000020FF 1206F04E 00007338 Instructions: 1) Go to a PC 2) Select either "Deposit Pokemon" or "Move Pokemon" based on where the Pokemon you want max happiness is on. 3) Select the Pokemon 4) Pick "Marking" 5) And last, choose "Confirm" and the code should activate on the Pokemon.
The Pokewalker is when you can take your Pokemon from your PC box from Pokemon heart gold or soul silver and you can battle Pokemon and get items.You need these things called Watts to battle Pokemon and get items.When you're done, you can put your Pokemon back into the game followed along with the Pokemon you have caught and the items you have collected.Sometimes if your Pokemon stays in your Pokewalker long enough it grows a level but only one.This rarely happens but sometimes once you put your Pokemon back into your PC box, another Pokemon that you have caught during the walk will stay with you and join you.There are many routes to unlock and take a walk on. ~Yourmom_at_Yourmom
PC box
you go to the pc at the pokemon center then you do it from there
put your Pokemon in the PC box at a pokecenter
it always is. but if it isn't you will just have to do the deposit then withdraw thingy.
Put one of your Pokemon into the PC in a Pokemon centre.
Somebody's PC is the Pokemon Storage System. This changes if you speak to Bill (whose house is right next to the Pokemon Center in Goldenrod City) to Bill's PC.
go into the pc box, click move. click a on the pokemon, then select release
click on the pokemons summary in the PC and in purple it should say pkrs.
they are then shipped to the PC storage unit at the Pokemon center.
Anytime you could use the poke walker. All you need is a Pokemon in your PC
There is Bill's PC that after you catch more than 6 Pokemon in your Party it sends it straight to the PC and you can withdraw your seventh Pokemon after you deposit one of the Pokemon you don't need in your Party
use them to fight, walk with them, don't give them rare candys or leave them in your PC box.