you get a call from proff. elm, and he gives you the master ball. then, go to the theater, and you'll see your rival coming out, saying he got beat up. go in, and you'll fight all the eevee evolutions except 4 leafeon and glacion. all at lev 83. hope that helped!
you will get the tidal bell that will awake lugia
the kimono girls are in ecruteak city in the dance theater
You can't. Mr. Pokemon can't be controlled to know the Kimono Girls.
What worked for me was all my Pokemon were level 40s and with three Pokemon i beat all the kimono girls. Pokemon Master- I had my level 72 Feraligatr and beat all of them with just him. Level up all your Pokemon before battling them.
Well you need to go to the kimono girls in Ecruteak city and battle them then you have to go to whirl islands and find the kimono girls there again and awake lugia and then when youve caught it or KO'ed it or whatever then you can cross the water from new bark town to the pokemon leage :)
In the Ecruteak city theater.
You have to beat all the Johto gym leaders.
Access to Lugia via the Whirl Islands
you will get the tidal bell that will awake lugia
You have to beat the fourth gym, Go to the Kimono Girls Dancing Studio and fight the rocket grunt who is bothering one of the Kimono Girls
You battle them in the building above the Pokemon center in Ecruteak city.
After you get the Master Ball, go to the Dance Theater. You will find all five Kimono Girls waiting for you. They will challenge you to a battle against them. Win and you receive the Clear Bell or Tidal Bell.
Go to the dance studio with the kimono girls, after fighting the rocket grunt, the old man gives it to you.
the kimono girls are in ecruteak city in the dance theater
You can't. Mr. Pokemon can't be controlled to know the Kimono Girls.
the kimono girls? go to the whirl islands and go in the first island you see that is protected by a whirl pool then talk to the monk and go to the bottom
Violet City, IIlex Forest, Ice Path, the Underground in Goldenrod. That's all i can remember.