What worked for me was all my Pokemon were level 40s and with three Pokemon i beat all the kimono girls.
Pokemon Master- I had my level 72 Feraligatr and beat all of them with just him. Level up all your Pokemon before battling them.
you will get the tidal bell that will awake lugia
You need to get the masterball from Professor. Elm and go to the kimono girls in ecruteak city and fight all five and then go catch or defeat lugia. hope i helped
you have to get all the badges first, i have heart gold so im not positive but after u get all the johto badges and help all of them out around the map, i think they battle you srry if this doesnt work, again i play gold so,,,,,, anyways hope this helps
You should have Pokemon that have super effective moves for each type of Evee. For example, you use electric moves for the Vaporeon, and so forth. Having Pokemon that are the opposite types of the evees are just as good, too.
Go to Ecruteak City and then defeat all 5 Kimono Girls. Talk to the man with the blue hair and the hat.
Dance theatre in ecrueakcity heartgold
for heartgold after you beat Claire go to the dance studio with the komono girls, for soulsilver there is an old man in pewter city
you have to beat the komono girls then they'll give it to you then the guy will give youu surf. hope I helped(:
Talk to everyone in the room and get a special HM. Then you travel west and defete both gym leaders in that area.
Right at the bottom of them with Luiga
Go to the Kimono Girls' house in the city With the ghost gym. Defeat the rocket grunt then the man in the suit will give you HM03 Surf.it isn't that hard.hope i help.=)
In the Ecruteak city theater.
Heartgold: Go to Bell Tower Soulsilver: Go to Whirl Islands
Ekruteak City, the Komono girls
Inside a building in Ecruteak City.
You have to beat all the Johto gym leaders.
Access to Lugia via the Whirl Islands