You should have Pokemon that have super effective moves for each type of Evee. For example, you use electric moves for the Vaporeon, and so forth. Having Pokemon that are the opposite types of the evees are just as good, too.
you will get the tidal bell that will awake lugia
What worked for me was all my Pokemon were level 40s and with three Pokemon i beat all the kimono girls. Pokemon Master- I had my level 72 Feraligatr and beat all of them with just him. Level up all your Pokemon before battling them.
I didn't know they had an Aunt. (quote for above) they dont. if the kimono girls aren't there, either you have the wrong island or you haven't beaten them at the Ecruteak Dance Theater (for this to activate you must beat the Blackthorn City Gym)
Have Pokemon over lvl 37 and just have a good strategy to beet them
He disappears until you beat the Pokemon league again.
You have to beat all the Johto gym leaders.
Access to Lugia via the Whirl Islands
you will get the tidal bell that will awake lugia
You have to beat the fourth gym, Go to the Kimono Girls Dancing Studio and fight the rocket grunt who is bothering one of the Kimono Girls
What worked for me was all my Pokemon were level 40s and with three Pokemon i beat all the kimono girls. Pokemon Master- I had my level 72 Feraligatr and beat all of them with just him. Level up all your Pokemon before battling them.
the kimono girls? go to the whirl islands and go in the first island you see that is protected by a whirl pool then talk to the monk and go to the bottom
beat the kimono girls in ekruteak city
in Pokemon HEARTGOLD and SOULSILVER you don't fight the Kimono girls. ONLY in silver and gold version. RE. you do because i had a flippin hard time trying to beat umbreon,espeon,jolteon,flarieon,vapoureon all at lv 38 with a lv 34 u fght them when you beat the last gym leader
You first have to beat team rocket, then the Kimono girls
Beat the five Kimono Girls.
Go to the kimono dance theatre in Eucratek, beat the team rocket guy, and an old man will give it to you.
beat all of the kimono girls and a man will give it yo you