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Unfortunately, you can only go through Unova region in Black/white

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Q: How do you get to Sinnoh in black?
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How do you get to the Sinnoh regions in pPokemon black?

You cannot go to the Sinnoh region in Pokemon Black.

Can you go to sinnoh in Pokemon Black?

you cant go to sinnoh you have to stay in that regin

Where is the sinnoh in Pokemon black and whight?

There isnt any, fool. There are sinnoh pokemon, though.

Can you get to the Sinnoh region in Pokemon black?


How can you get to Sinnoh in Pokemon Black?

You can't

Can you get to Sinnoh in Pokemon Black 2?

It is not possible to get to Sinnoh in Pokemon Black 2. (Or any game bar Diamond, Pearl and Platinium)

Can you get to the Sinnoh region in black 2?

Unfortunately, no. You can only get to the Sinnoh region in Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum right now.

How do you go to Sinnoh in Pokemon Black?

It's impossible.

Who is cyitiya in Pokemon Black?

shes the champion from sinnoh

Can you get to Sinnoh on Pokemon Black and White?

You can't. After beating N at his castle and obtaining the National Dex, you can catch Pokemon from Sinnoh.

Can you go to Sinnoh in black and white?

No. Unova is the only region in Poke on Black and White.

Can you use Sinnoh pokemon from black on Pokemon Battle Revolution?
