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there is no wilderness in Club Penguin unless you mean the mission and you will have to ask a new question for that

Actually, the recently added wilderness has gadgets. Entering the wilderness, there are four paths. First, click the dangling keyboard on the right-side path and then follow that trail. Then click the springy coil with the green light at the top path. Next click the moving gear on the tree trunk, once again on the right-side path. Now click the little red knob stick out from behind a rock just to the left of the bottom pathway. Afterwords click the tiny silver knob poking out near the top of a tree by the left path. Now click the little piece of a gear sticking out from behind the bottom of a tree just to the right of the bottom path. After that you won't find any gadgets to click and follow, but you need to take the right-side path. You should end up on a cliff-side, where an immense gadget-y contraption is. Hope this helps!

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Q: How do you get through the wilderness in Club Penguin?
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How do you get in to the wilderness on Club Penguin?

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on clubpenguin how do you turn on the machine?

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