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by capturing an ice pokemon in the ice cave

by capturing a dragon type pokemon

but dragon is weak against dragon so just capture an ice pokemon

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Q: How do you get through the 8th gym in pokemon soul silver?
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In Pokemon soul silver what do you do after you beat the 7 gym?

move to the 8th gym

Who is blue in Pokemon soul silver?

Blue is the 8th kanto gym leder.

How Do You Get Inside The Dragon's Den In Pokemon Soul Silver?

In the original Pokemon Silver you had to beat the 8th gym leader, Claire, then she allowed you to pass.

What gym lets you use waterfall in Pokemon Soul Silver?

the 8th gym when u beet Clair her Pokemon are strong so be careful

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you go to blackthorn city to fight the 8th gym leader

What city is the 8th gym leader in Pokemon soul silver located?

blackhorn city i think its next to mahogany town

How do you beat the 8th gym leader in Pokemon soul silver?

Well Claire has dragon types so you need Ice types to defeat her.

When was the shyamin event for Pokemon SoulSilver?

There was no Shaymin event for Soul Silver, only Diamond, Pearl and Platinum, which ended on November 8th 2009

Who is the 8th gym leader kanto and his name in soul silver?

Blue (he is weak if you have lvl 100 pokemon. ) Good luck! He has a lot of different types

How many masterballs do you get in Pokemon Soul Silver?

1, after professor elm gives you a call after your 7th or 8th gym badge. Hope I helped. :) Pete

Where is the 8th gym leader in soul silver?

cindber island

What Pokemon do you use for the 8th gym leader in soul silver?

she is a dragon trainer, so use dragon moves or just slam her down hard(twss)