You will not find a method to guarantee getting the Thundergun
The related link has more information on the thundergun
The Thundergun is a Wonder Weapon featured in Zombies and can also be found via an Easter egg in the campaign mission "Numbers". Quoted from the related link for Thundergun
NO you have to get them from the mystery box. Sorry.
you cant you can only get it in world at war on the second level but you can get the thundergun on the the level "numbers"
first buy all the doors then buy te box and cook a grenade for 6.5 seconds precisly then throw it at the box
Black ops
Not in the form used in Black Ops, no.
Knife. no...
The Thundergun is a Wonder Weapon featured in Zombies and can also be found via an Easter egg in the campaign mission "Numbers". Quoted from the related link for Thundergun
you get it from the chest, it is a gun which can blast up to 24 zombies
The thundergun is not available in multiplayer mode but canbe obtained in zombies mode by means of the notorious mystery box.
Upgraded thundergun with an upgraded Ray gun and monkey bombs
NO you have to get them from the mystery box. Sorry.
you cant you can only get it in world at war on the second level but you can get the thundergun on the the level "numbers"
no but you can get a thundergun. Its in the Kowloon campaign mission collect 2 tape in recorders
By random chance from the mystery box. In spite of rumors nothing will increase your odds and there are no cheats
the best combinations on kino der toten is thundergun an aug upgraded