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you get it from valsakar

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Q: How do you get the phoenix blade in aqw?
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Where do you get Phoenix blade in Aqw?

You get the Phoenix Blade as a drop from the final boss of the Vasalkar Lair in Shadow Fall. The boss you fight to get it, is known as the Red Dragon. The boss has exactly 32102 health, and is a three star enemy.

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How long does it take to get phoenix blade on aqw?

ANSWER:To Be Honest I Don't Know But I Think Average Fast Drop Is 45 Min-1 Hour dropping time :-)

Were is the best weapon in aqw?

The best aqw weapons/weapon is/are from nuglaths juggernaut items quest including crystal phoenix blade of nulgath, ungodly reavers of nulgath.overfiend blade of nulgath. Juggernaut items of nulgath is a quest that comes from nulgath in the area terccesuinotlim. Also dragonblade of nulgath(from demanding items of nulgath) is nice to. It comes from demanding items of nulgath. Ths quest comes from nulgath as well and can also be accesed from battle phoenix blades, sword of nulgath and betrayal blades of nulgath above the 7th betrayal blade

How do you get the crystal Phoenix blade in aqworlds?

You must complete the quest 'Juggernaut Items of Nulgath'. The process behind this is very complicated so it is best to examine the AQW wiki.

Where do you find the blade of awe stuff?

there are no cheats in aqw

Where do i get infantry blade aqw?

i serously dont know

Were do you get the blade of holy might in aqw?

aisha drake

What is the code for the Gia Blade on AQW?

there is no code for the Gia blade it is 45'000 coins at the shop is battleon

How do you get golden crusher blade in aqw?

u get the golden crusher blade in Andre the giant foot.

How do you get blade of awe on aqw?

type CySerO123 happy gamming

How do you get the phoenix plate on aqw?

from swordhaven castle good shop