I do not think you can. Only in AQ. If you could, it was probably just for a limited time. In AQW though, they released the "Blade of Aweee-mannn!" which looked like the Blade of Awe, but was made of paper.
i found the blade of awe and i talked to Valencia but she did not got me the blade of awe she said you have to login out but your stone will still okay.
valencia has it when you complete the blade of awe you can switich it with the staff,dagger and blade of awe ps. have to be gardian or x gardian
Some times when you battle yo van find piecies of the blade of awe
go to valencia in battleon and chose visit grumbugly
im pretty sure u need to be a Guaridian then find like 4 pieces of the stone of the blade of awe then go somewhere and that's how i got so far...
They didnt release the blade of awe yet.
how to get the blade of awe
Yes the dragonfable account has 50 lv and the blade of awe the aq account is a X-gaurdian lv 200 with twin blades of awe
No, the Blade of Awe enhancements can be used on any weapon.
The blade of Awe can now be colour customized accordingly to the Shield of Awe, and the x Armour of Awe.
i found the blade of awe and i talked to Valencia but she did not got me the blade of awe she said you have to login out but your stone will still okay.
You cannot get the Blade of Awe in AQWorlds yet. The only players that have it are the moderators.
Type /join museum and talk to Valencia (the girl with purple hair) then click 'Blade of Awe' then 'To Crossroads'. Talk to her again and click 'Awe Quests' then do the quests.
valencia has it when you complete the blade of awe you can switich it with the staff,dagger and blade of awe ps. have to be gardian or x gardian
The Blade of Awe weapon is currently a moderator/staff only item.
you can't make it change in to it, you unlock the blade of awe by collecting pieces by random battles, as long as your a guardian and patient you will get the blade in no time.