It's SUPER hard to find! You can only get it from the Berry Master's wife when she asks you if you've heard a good saying. Tell her this phrase "Challenge Contest" and it's yours!
You can't get it on Pokemon emerald
Its a berry given by Scott in Pokemon emerald.
Challenge Contest=Pamtre Berry Great Battle=Spelon berry Overwhelming Latias Cool Latios = Durin Berry Super Hustle = Belue Berry Challenge Corsola=Lum Berry Absol Alt.color=Lum Berry Super Hustle, in fact, does not = Belue Berry in my game in my emerald game Super Hustle = random berry Approved Attack = Pomeg Berry In my Emerald version game Overwhelming Latias = Watmel Berry from Satores In my Emerald version game Overwhelming Latias = Pecha Berry I found out that you can only get the berries once. then the berries she gives you afterward are random.
Lum berries are randomly given out by the berry masters wife.
A berry that is used to make pokeblocks. See related link for more.
you have to beat the eliet 4 to get a pamtree
enigma berry
You can't get it on Pokemon emerald
there is no friendly berry
Its a berry given by Scott in Pokemon emerald.
Challenge Contest=Pamtre Berry Great Battle=Spelon berry Overwhelming Latias Cool Latios = Durin Berry Super Hustle = Belue Berry Challenge Corsola=Lum Berry Absol Alt.color=Lum Berry Super Hustle, in fact, does not = Belue Berry in my game in my emerald game Super Hustle = random berry Approved Attack = Pomeg Berry In my Emerald version game Overwhelming Latias = Watmel Berry from Satores In my Emerald version game Overwhelming Latias = Pecha Berry I found out that you can only get the berries once. then the berries she gives you afterward are random.
There is no such thing as a berry jar, well, not that I know of anyway.
Here are a few:Liechie berry, Chesto berry, Cherie berry, Rawst berry, Lum berry, Bluk berry,Razz berry, Watmel berry, Babiri berry.Hope i helped!
In order to get the Ganlon Berry in Pokemon Emerald you must either have gotten a Jirachi (Through Pokemon Colosseum Bonus Disk) with the Ganlon Berry, or use a cheat device.
Lum berries are randomly given out by the berry masters wife.
A berry that is used to make pokeblocks. See related link for more.
They are on Mirage Island.