2500 Headshots ( yes i did say headshots :D )
I have it its pretty epic
Xbo Live Gamer Tag: FLuX SteaLth
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killing ur self ten time lol xd
when you are level 4 you unlock the intervention and 50 cal.
Which one?Gold: unlock all attachmentsGrey/Silver: 500 kills (need to be prestige)Grey/Silver with headshot icon: 250 headshotsWhite Skulls: 2500 killsGold Skulls: 1000 headshotscheck here for all the titles and emblems: http://callofduty.wikia.com/wiki/CallsignsYou have to get 10000 kills with the intervention.
Achieve 1000 headshots with the ACR. You must be prestiged at least once to unlock this challenge.
Reach Prestige 1 and Level 69.
you have to get 250 knifing kills in one prestige.
Get 1000 headshots with the ACR. You must be prestiged in order to earn this title.
you need to get 1000 head shots for it then you'll get it
To unlock Stinger Veteran III, as well as the title (has gold skulls on it), you need to shoot down 2500 helicopters with it.
Stab 50 enemies for Blade veteran (silver title) Stab 250 enemies for Blademaster (gold title)
killing ur self ten time lol xd
when you are level 4 you unlock the intervention and 50 cal.
Which one?Gold: unlock all attachmentsGrey/Silver: 500 kills (need to be prestige)Grey/Silver with headshot icon: 250 headshotsWhite Skulls: 2500 killsGold Skulls: 1000 headshotscheck here for all the titles and emblems: http://callofduty.wikia.com/wiki/CallsignsYou have to get 10000 kills with the intervention.
get 2500 headshots
To unlock the Intervention emblem, you must get 1,000 kills with the Intervention after Prestiging at least once.
To Finish Predator IV, which is getting 1000 kills with predator missile.
Greyish Silver Title: 500 kills with the UMP45 Gold Title: Unlock all attachments with the UMP45 Gold Emblem: 500 head shots with the UMP45 Silver Title with Skulls: 2500 kills with the UMP45 Gold Title with Skulls: 1000 head shots with the UMP45 :)