You can get the foam finger gun in Dead Space 2 by beating the game in hardcore mode. You can get it from an unmodded version of the game on any platform (PS3, Xbox 360, PC)
Here is some proof so people don't remove this thinking I am lying:
You can now also get something similar in Dead Space 3, which is called the devil's horns.
shoot outsid the screen that should reload your gun.
you have to save the group from Kino der Toten
you drop a gun by pressing F. Actually, you press Space to drop it. Then run into the gun you wish to use.
in the north plaza, when you exit carlitos hideout go straight to the west (left)
emile will talk to her and you and is preety mad so he gets his gun and goes bam she is on the ground dead and he will point his gun at you but you dont die
you shoot of you finger. and its painful
Yes, it will fire. If the finger is a tight fit the gun may also explode. The will not be much left of the finger, either.
the hunter
Pulse Rifle Plasma Cutter Line Gun - lv. 7 Force Gun - lv. 11 Seeker Rifle - lv. 17 Javelin Gun - lv. 28
Hand cannon! The secret weapon in dead space 2, kills with 1 round. Unlocks after ending the game with hardcore mode.
of course you can !ANS 2 - I don't know what 'fun foam' is - but I DO know that hot glue melts many foam surfaces.
The NERF gun is named after the foam used - NERF stands for Non Expanding Recreational Foam.
The duration of Dead Man's Gun is 3600.0 seconds.
Alan's finger was on the gun's trigger.
You cannot get a ray gun on Red Dead Redemption.
Dead Man's Gun was created on 1997-03-02.
Dead Man's Gun ended on 1999-03-26.