emile will talk to her and you and is preety mad so he gets his gun and goes bam she is on the ground dead and he will point his gun at you but you dont die
No, it never came out on the Xbox 360. The only splinter cell game with achievements is Double Agent.
no for 360. the thing on the back is LIE
You need to look for ammo in every mission i think and i mean really look for it
A stealthly agent working for the government to help win the war. A Splinter Cell is a covert black ops agent working for Third Echelon. The main Splinter Cell no longer working for Third Echelon is Sam Fisher.
slowly turn the analog stick until the bars on the screen move then wait for a few seconds and then do it again.
The 2nd time you are n the JBA Headquarters, after sneaking into Emile's room, jump out the window and down to the ground. There is another open window to jump in to, which will lead into Enrica's room. She will come in and you will kiss
Double Agent. No one liked Conviction, that's why it was repeatedly delayed, Lack of fan support.
aries double edge
As far as I know, no.
No there isn't :(
Left Stick.
check on the back of the case
I far as I know, no.
By finishing all the profiles of the main members of JBA.