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one of the fisherman on route 32 will give you a fishing rod.

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Q: How do you get the fishing rod in Pokemon Silver?
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Where is the super rod Pokemon silver?

It is in Kanto on Route 12 (Fishing Guru)

Where can you find lanturn in Pokemon soul silver?

Fishing in Vermillion with a Super Rod.

Why cant you buy the gold fishing rod in tree of tranquility?

Before you can get the gold fishing rod you have to get the silver fishing rod and before you get the silver fishing rod you have to get the copper fishing rod. To get the copper fishing rod you upgrade your regular fishing rod at the general store.

How do you get a fishing rod on pokemon?

you ask a fishing man

Where do you get a fishing rod on Pokemon Diamond?

You talk to fishermen and one gives you a fishing rod.

Where is the fishing rod in Pokemon Black and White?

You get the fishing rod at your home after the elite four.

How can you get a water Pokemon on Pokemon HeartGold?

Use a fishing rod.

Where do you get a rod in pokemon heartgold?

Old Rod---Route 32 from the Fishing Guru Good Rod---Olivine City from the Fishing Guru Super Rod---Route 12 from the Fishing Guru

How can you find a fishing rod in Pokemon Silver?

The Old Rod can be obtained from a Fisherman inside the pokecenter by Union Cave, the Good Rod is given from another Fisherman in a house in Olivine City, and the Super Rod is given from the final Fishing Guru in Route 12, south of Lavender Town in Kanto.

How do you use the fishing rod in soul silver?

Easy. Just register the fishing rod then face water and press y

What kind of pokeball do you get from a blue apricorn in Pokemon soul silver?

lure ball plus 3 catching rate when used on a Pokemon pulled in battle by a fishing rod

How do you get the fishing rod in Pokemon soul silver?

if ur talking about the old rod then go in the pokemon center on route 32(south of violet city) and talk to someone( i forget who.probably a fisherman dude wearing orange)