if ur talking about the old rod then go in the pokemon center on route 32(south of violet city) and talk to someone( i forget who.probably a fisherman dude wearing orange)
Fishing in Vermillion with a Super Rod.
one of the fisherman on route 32 will give you a fishing rod.
near lavender town's route
You can get a Magikarp by fishing in any body of water with an Old Rod
explore a bridge in kanto
Fishing in Vermillion with a Super Rod.
one of the fisherman on route 32 will give you a fishing rod.
Easy. Just register the fishing rod then face water and press y
near lavender town's route
lure ball plus 3 catching rate when used on a Pokemon pulled in battle by a fishing rod
the fishing guru gives it to you in olivine city
The Fishing Guru in Olivine City gives it to you.
You can get a Magikarp by fishing in any body of water with an Old Rod
you will find it in a house somewhere
In the golden rod tunnel
explore a bridge in kanto
It is in Kanto on Route 12 (Fishing Guru)