The old rod is located in Route 32 from a Fishing Guru (look for him)
The Super rod is located in Route 12 from...again..a fishing guru (look for him)
I know that you get the super rod in Route 12.
Talk to the fishing guru in route 12 in Kanto.
i only know that the old rod is at the route where theres a Pokemon center next to the cave
talk to lots of fishermen and one will give u one
you can catch corsola by fishing with a super rod in cianwood city while having the sinnoh music on.
Use a fishing rod.
A Fishing Guru in Olivine City has it.
surf on water or get a fishing rod
Old Rod---Route 32 from the Fishing Guru Good Rod---Olivine City from the Fishing Guru Super Rod---Route 12 from the Fishing Guru
I know that you get the super rod in Route 12.
You can find them in the Whirl Islands by Surfing or Fishing with a Super Rod.
Talk to the fishing guru in route 12 in Kanto.
i only know that the old rod is at the route where theres a Pokemon center next to the cave
talk to lots of fishermen and one will give u one
You get it at the Pokemon Center just North of Goldenrod City. Have fun fishing! (For Magikarps anyway) :-(
to get level 40 water Pokemon you first have to get a super Rod (from house on RT. 12) and get it by fishing. The Super Rod wil only get you level 40 Pokemon.
you can catch corsola by fishing with a super rod in cianwood city while having the sinnoh music on.