Defeat Brock at the Pewter City Gym.Your best chance is to catch a nidoran and train it until it leans double kick,which is super effective against rock types.
you sneak into it and Get in there go get a rode and do it
The 8 badges for Pokemon Red are: Boulder Badge, (Brock) Cascade Badge, (Misty) Thunder Badge, (Lt. Surge) Rainbow Badge, (Erika) Marsh Badge, (Sabrina) Soul Badge, (Koga) Volcano Badge, (Blaine) and Earth Badge. (Giovanni)
To move a big boulder you need obtain the move Strength. To use the move outside of battle you need the Rainbow badge.
Get the Thunder Badge And Talk To Jenny And She Will Give You One
Strength will activate when you get the RainbowBadge.
the boulder badge from brock
The boulder badge, the cascade badge, the thunder badge, the rainbow badge, the soul badge, the marsh badge, the volcano badge and the earth badge.
you sneak into it and Get in there go get a rode and do it
You need the Cobble Badge.
The 8 badges for Pokemon Red are: Boulder Badge, (Brock) Cascade Badge, (Misty) Thunder Badge, (Lt. Surge) Rainbow Badge, (Erika) Marsh Badge, (Sabrina) Soul Badge, (Koga) Volcano Badge, (Blaine) and Earth Badge. (Giovanni)
It's erika the grass type user. the badge is the rainbow badge
To get the boulder badge you must defeat Brock, the pewter city gym leader. If you picked Charmander i would suggest using metal claw or catching a Mankey and teaching it low kick.
He won it in a Pokemon Contest. He even says it in the episode where Mankey steals his hat. He had to mail in a bunch of postcards and we was a winner.
The sixth badgeno actually it the third badge
Erica in Celadon City.
To move a big boulder you need obtain the move Strength. To use the move outside of battle you need the Rainbow badge.
You must have HM04 Strength and the corresponding gym badge to move the boulder.