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Terrakion- in Victory Road. Here's the instructions on how to get there: Enter the road in the cave, head up the first stairs, head up the other stairs (if the rock has block the hole so you can walk over it.) when you are up the stairs, do not take the other staircase, go downwards from the trainer. (The stairs from where the rock was blocking the way should have a girl trainer in the way.) When you get to the outside of the cave, go to the left. There should be a Karate Guy in there walking in circles. Pass him and head up the stairs. Now there would be another rock in the way where the Doctor is, but you can go around it, once you do go upstairs. Take the stairs on the next floor. If you already have the rock blocking the hole you can go left and you'll see the little cave entrance. Terrakion is in there.

Cobalion- Mistraldon Cave. It is pretty easy to get there. I just don't want to explain everything.

Virizion- Go in Pin Wheel Forest and when you get through the two little bridges go to to the left path and keep going. When you up when you reached at the end of the path there will be another entrance. Once you go in the entrance there will be an clear opening with Virizion in the middle.

Note: You can only get them by getting the National Dex.

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Q: How do you get terracion and the others on Pokemon White?
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