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kingmehmeti989-2 jijoad

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Q: How do you get someones ourworld email?
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Is there an email for ourworld?


Can you hold someones hand on Ourworld?

You can, but (!!ONLY!!) by dancing or something or standing close.

How delete ourworld account?

You have to send ourWorld an email from the emial wich you signed up with and tell them yuo want to delete your account!

How do you delete an ourworld account?

I think you have to Email to them to delete it... Email them: MAKE SURE YOU GIVE THEM YOUR EMAIL AS WELL!

How can you get your Ourworld account back?

Just email your account email to change your password, follow it and.. ta-da!

Can i use someones email?

No. You cant. No.

What is someones email?

How do you wisper in ourworld?

u have to conform you email address first add my- nolesgirl101 :)

What is a good free Email site that you can get someones Email?

yellow pages

How do you know someones email on Twitter?

A user's email address isn't supplied.

How can you get free gems gems ourwold?

You can become a resident (160 gems a month and ourworld privileges, but of coarse that's not free, so you can: *Get the ourworld toolbar = 10 gems a week. *Get the monthly news letter (done through email can be set in ourworld settings) = 10 gems a month. *Watch ads from links at = 1-8 gems per video. *Complete the challenges emailed to you through your ourworld email. *Go to for the weekly gem codes, monthly gem codes, and facebook offers.

How to find the name from an email address?

You cannot find someones name from their email address.