You have to make a furnace by filling in all the slots in your crafting table (besides the middle one) with cobblestone. Then you place your furnace and put sand in the top slot and coal, wood or charcoal in the bottom slot. This will make glass.
Smelt Cobblestone in your furnace.
You get sand, then you smelt the sand into glass. Simple as that.
You can 'smelt' it to create the dye, 'cactus green'. Or you can plant a block on sand to make more grow, which can make more dye, or be used as part of a trap, as it hurts mobs.
They take the same time.
Currently you can smelt the following ores:irongoldYou can also burn wood (of any tree) in charcoal which is used the same as coal).Also you can smelt sand into glass.
Smelt Cobblestone in your furnace.
You can get glass from smelting sand. Sand is found all over the beaches in Minecraft, and sometimes, in patches around some water in the middle of some land. To smelt sand, you'll need a furnace. A furnace is crafted with 8 cobblestone, using a crafting table fill up the crafting table, but leave one space empty in the middle (must be the middle that is empty)! This should make a furnace. You'll need coal, wood, wooden tools, logs, etc. to smelt an item. I have listed below in the related links the furnace recipe for a visual, if you'd prefer a visual.
You get sand, then you smelt the sand into glass. Simple as that.
You can 'smelt' it to create the dye, 'cactus green'. Or you can plant a block on sand to make more grow, which can make more dye, or be used as part of a trap, as it hurts mobs.
Sand smelt typically is found and lives in the Mediterranean sea. However, it can usually live in any land locked lakes that contain fresh water.
They take the same time.
There is no steel in minecraft. You're referring to iron, and you need to smelt iron ore in a furnace.
The only thing you can do with Iron Ore in Minecraft is smelt it in a furnace to get Iron Ingots.
There are no stoves yet because of the lack of thigs to smelt. When they add all items that you can smelt (such as iron & gold), they will add furnaces.
In Minecraft,in order to get iron ore out of a mined block of iron you need to smelt the iron ore block in a furnace.