You can uninstall it from your launcher. Its under the installed programs and instead trying to review them by all. You can choose the sims option that looks like a picture of the sims at the top and scroll down to uninstall it.
You will need to download the Sims 3 Nude Patch to remove the blur.
You can't
To get rid of a robot on Sims 3, you must first go up to the robot and argue with it a lot. Then once you've fought with it enough, it eventually flat out hates yu and leaves.
I did have sims 3 the pets and I dont remembere being able to ride a horse...sorry
as far as i know you cant
Sorry but in the original Sims there are no pets.
Unfortunately, you cannot use Sims 2 Body Shop on Sims 3.
You will need to download the Sims 3 Nude Patch to remove the blur.
You cant get horses on sims 3 but there will be sims 3 pets coming out October 25th where you can get a horse
Sadly no
You can't
When you open the sims 3, it comes up with the sims 3 launcher. Under downloads find the item click on it and select delete.
Yes. In sims 3 pets you can have a horse or hamster as a pet along with dogs and cats
you cant get horses on the sims 2, you only gets horses in the sims 3 pets
To get rid of a robot on Sims 3, you must first go up to the robot and argue with it a lot. Then once you've fought with it enough, it eventually flat out hates yu and leaves.
I did have sims 3 the pets and I dont remembere being able to ride a horse...sorry