To get rid of a robot on Sims 3, you must first go up to the robot and argue with it a lot. Then once you've fought with it enough, it eventually flat out hates yu and leaves.
You will need to download the Sims 3 Nude Patch to remove the blur.
You can't
as far as i know you cant
There are 2 ways to get a robot. 1 when you get 40,000 life time happiness poins there is an option called my best friend if you get that you get a robot that is your best friend. 2 when you are a level 10 inventor you will get a call for a robot you there a few supplies you need.
Yes you do you need Sims 2 Open For Business and then it will allow you to make robots and buy the robot workshop or type in boolprop testingcheatsenabled true and that can make a robot.
Yes. Except it's not like the robot in Sims 2, where you can help people, it's pretty much a regular sim with a different look, sound and walk.
You will need to download the Sims 3 Nude Patch to remove the blur.
What robot?
Sadly no
You can't
When you open the sims 3, it comes up with the sims 3 launcher. Under downloads find the item click on it and select delete.
as far as i know you cant
you need OfB EP
There are 2 ways to get a robot. 1 when you get 40,000 life time happiness poins there is an option called my best friend if you get that you get a robot that is your best friend. 2 when you are a level 10 inventor you will get a call for a robot you there a few supplies you need.
Yes you do you need Sims 2 Open For Business and then it will allow you to make robots and buy the robot workshop or type in boolprop testingcheatsenabled true and that can make a robot.
You have to click the fridge then press Clean Out Bad Food.
You can sell them or put the pets up for adoption.