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Yes you do you need Sims 2 Open For Business and then it will allow you to make robots and buy the robot workshop or type in boolprop testingcheatsenabled true and that can make a robot.

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Q: Do you need a expansion pack for a robot in sims 2?
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How do you get a robot on sims 2?

You need to purchase the expansion pack called Open for Business. Then in the game, purchase the robotics workbench thing. When you reach a gold badge in that, you will be able to make a robot known as the servo. (The robot that can be played as a sim)

Do you need an expansion pack for mermaids on sims 2?

There are no mermaids in any of the Sims games or expansion packs.

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you get it on Late Night expansion pack

Can download the sims expansion pack without CD?

No you can't, you need the disk of the expansion pack to play the game.