You need to purchase the expansion pack called Open for Business. Then in the game, purchase the robotics workbench thing. When you reach a gold badge in that, you will be able to make a robot known as the servo. (The robot that can be played as a sim)
Yes you do you need Sims 2 Open For Business and then it will allow you to make robots and buy the robot workshop or type in boolprop testingcheatsenabled true and that can make a robot.
On The Sims 2 for PC, you don't buy him, you make him. I'm not sure about The Sims 1, since I only ever had the PS2 version.
The Servo robot's can have babies.
You are unable to transform a sim into a robot however, you are able to make a sim into a robot by purchasing the expansion pack called Open for Business. Then in the game, purchase the robotics workbench thing. When you reach a gold badge in that, you will be able to make a robot known as the servo. (The robot that can be played as a sim)
You need to purchase the expansion pack called Open for Business. Then in the game, purchase the robotics workbench thing. When you reach a gold badge in that, you will be able to make a robot known as the servo. (The robot that can be played as a sim)
Yes you do you need Sims 2 Open For Business and then it will allow you to make robots and buy the robot workshop or type in boolprop testingcheatsenabled true and that can make a robot.
No If you want to make a robot get a work table and I think if you have a bunch of 1 certain point then I think you can make a robot
On The Sims 2 for PC, you don't buy him, you make him. I'm not sure about The Sims 1, since I only ever had the PS2 version.
you cant
Your sim cannot become a robot but with the Open for Business Expansion Pack, your sims may make a robot - called a Servo. Your sim will need to have the Robot Crafting Station found under the Hobbies >> Miscellaneous section in Buy Mode. Your sim will then need to build up their robot crafting skill by making robots at the station until they earn a Gold Robot Crafting Badge. At this time, you'll be able to use the crafting station to make a Servo who will have many of the functions of a normal sim in your house.
The Servo robot's can have babies.
You are unable to transform a sim into a robot however, you are able to make a sim into a robot by purchasing the expansion pack called Open for Business. Then in the game, purchase the robotics workbench thing. When you reach a gold badge in that, you will be able to make a robot known as the servo. (The robot that can be played as a sim)
You need to purchase the expansion pack called Open for Business. Then in the game, purchase the robotics workbench thing. When you reach a gold badge in that, you will be able to make a robot known as the servo. (The robot that can be played as a sim)
Best of Business Collection. It enables you to have a shop, and unlocks the robotics, toymaking, etc. Work at robotics until gold badge, and you can make a robot that can be played as a sim. What's even better is that robots have less needs than sims do.
Yes. Except it's not like the robot in Sims 2, where you can help people, it's pretty much a regular sim with a different look, sound and walk.
You can't make your Sim a robot but you can have a robot in the family.You need to type this into the cheat box (ctrl, shift and c if you don't no) boolprop testingcheatsenabled true . Don't put the full stop but then find where it says spawn then click that and find new servo then a robot will appear next to your Sim.
What robot?