To get it you have to get(either migrating from Pokemon ruby, sphire or emerald) regirock, registeel and regice on your team. After that, go to the mansion in snowpointcity. Go in it . When you get to the bottom, regigegus will be asleep until you activate it by pressing a on it.
Pokemon diamond
A diamond. That is red.
What is cttw diamond
By itself, nothing If you have wood, you could make a diamond sword, a diamond shovel, a diamond hoe or a jukebox
you have to migrate the 3 regis and then have them in your party and go to the snow point temple and then just talk to the statue
1. diamond 2.diamond 3.diamond 4.diamond 5.diamond 6.diamond 7.diamond 8. diamond 9.diamond 10.diamond
No, a simulant diamond is not a real diamond. It is a material that mimics the appearance of a diamond but is not made of the same physical and chemical properties as a natural diamond.
Diamond is transparent to non-transparent, depending on the diamond.
Diamond. Diamond is, for example, polished with diamond powder.
The diamond with the symbol on it.
A diamond can only be scratched by another diamond due to its hardness. No other material is hard enough to scratch a diamond.
Diamond is _____.
There is a brand name diamond simulant -- fake diamond -- named Asha Diamond.
A diamond is not a square, but a square is a diamond. A diamond is another name for rhombus.
A diamond can scratch a diamond, but one diamond cannot scratch itself.
Pokemon diamond