You have to migrate the three regis from Pokemon ruby/Sapphire/emerald (doesn't matter which) and go to snowpoint city. go north to the temple and now you can get in after you beat either the gym leader or the elite 4. go through the puzzle and on the 4 or 5 floor he is in the middle at lvl 70 and go up to him and press a
Pokemon diamond
you cant be a Pokemon in Pokemon diamond
Pokemon 134 is Finneon in diamond
where are special key in Pokemon diamond where are special key in Pokemon diamond
You can not get dark Pokemon on Pokemon diamond and pearl
Battle him a second time.
to get reggigas you need to have the "special reggigas" which i think is an event pokemon, then you go to get "regirock, registeel and regice" then go to snowpiont city, and go to the temple (if you have beaten the elite four) and keep going down and find your way to reggigas.
you get reggigas when you get reggirock, reggisteal, and reggice and go back to snow point temple to the reggigas statue and battle him
you need to migrate the original regis (regics, rigirock and registeel) from emerald ruby or Sapphire. then go to the snow city with the 7th gym leader and go to the top of the villiage. you will find a temple. go to the bottom of the temple with all the reigis in your party and talk to the Pokemon at the bottom and you will battle regigigas
nope cause all the other reggies will awake reggigas from his sleep.
Pokemon diamond
Pokemon diamond Pokemon diamond Pokemon diamond
you cant be a Pokemon in Pokemon diamond
you must get the three Pokemon reggirock reggisteel and reggice to get them you must have sapphire, ruby or emerald i don t know how you get them on there sorry but i have looked it up before
She is not in Pokemon diamond.
There is no Pokemon temple! There is such thing as Pokemon diamond.