Go to Pastoria city and look for a guy and he will ask you if your Pokemon in the top of your roster wants a scarf.MAKE SURE YOUR POKEMONS COOLNESS IS ALMOST FULL OR HE WILL SAY THAT IT IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH. If he says that, feed your Pokemon Spicy Poffins to raise it's Coolness.
Hope this Helps!
You cnnot catch it in Pokemon fire red ,but you can catch it in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl.If you want it to be in your fire red,you will have to migrate it from your Diamond/pearl to your fire red.
press a
you get it as a starter in diamond, pearl and platinum
Get it as a starter in diamond, pearl and platinum
You can't catch Charmander in Pokemon Diamond. You have to import it from Leaf Green or Fire Red.
You don't. Red's not in Diamond.
no u cant,only red to diamond no diamond to red that could be a hack or a glicth
you have to defeet red
You cnnot catch it in Pokemon fire red ,but you can catch it in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl.If you want it to be in your fire red,you will have to migrate it from your Diamond/pearl to your fire red.
Easy! Just trade the red gyarados from soulsilver to diamond.
you can get it from fire red in cerulean cave in mirgrate it to diamond
you have to take it from Pokemon fire red or leaf green...they are not actually in the storyline for Pokemon diamond and pearl
on route 227???
i dont now
you get moltres in Pokemon fire red
Unfortunately, you can't catch a Red Gyardos is Pokemon diamond, but you can catch one in Pokemon Heart Gold or Soul Silver. It'll be at Lake of Rage.
You have to have Pokemon fire red for GBA. Catch it on that.Once you have beaten the elite four and finished the Sinnoh Dex (on diamond) the Pal Park will open and you can migrate it from fire red to diamond.