Rare items on clubpenguin are old items so if you have any old items put those on and they would be considered rare
From the Clubpenguin penguin zeldakid
You can just add me as a friend and i will send you rare items for something in return. My username is jay53
No, you cannot transfer clothing items. But you can transfer coins!
There are three ways: 1. Rare items are a common thing in the trading rooms. If you invite someone , they most likely have a few rare items they can trade to you. 2. Every time you go to the Curio Shop, tip Arte and buy something cheap from there. If you keep doing that, he will eventually tell you the hour his next rare item will be stocked, if you click "Ask About Rare Items." 3. Lastly, there is a website called WebkinzInsider.com. They have a rare items schedule that tells you the time and price of the next rare item daily. Just scroll over "Webkinz Tools" at the top of the page and click "Rare Items Schedule." Thanks, hope I helped!
Occasionally you can find rare items to buy in the shops in Monstro City but these are rare so will only show every now and again. You will need to keep checking back to the shops often to look for these items.
Rare items can be litterally found anyware that has monsters, usually it takes a few hours... T.T Research the best places on the internet.
Yes, Clubpenguin still does sell rare items.
Rare items can only be found by members
lives or girlfriends
you cant!!!!! you cant unless you had your penguin account since clubpenguin opened BTW my penguins name is Clippy59014 if you see me be sure to stop by and say hi Waddle On!!!!!
be a member
to get a rare item you cant do unfourntly sometimes people give away rare penguins on the internet try find those but the items do sometimes come back the rare items im not saying they all do but some do like the lasso has come back and a whole lot of other things just make sure to keep an eye on the catalog for the new rare items coming back
So you get all your items and everything from the previous time you were on Clubpenguin.
Sadly, no.
Work hard to get them.
A code for clubpenguin is like when you buy a clubpenguin toy it has a code on it and you put the code and it sends you to the treasure book to get free rare stuff
Lets face it.......YOU CANT......Unless your a fan of old clubpenguin like me and wish that you can have another chance of getting them but unless disney changes that unfortunatly we cant have rare items the good thing is that maybe some new club penguin members would want the stuff we have years later so i think we all have rare items at one point :D D:
Lets face it.......YOU CANT......Unless your a fan of old clubpenguin like me and wish that you can have another chance of getting them but unless Disney changes that unfortunatly we cant have rare items the good thing is that maybe some new Club Penguin members would want the stuff we have years later so i think we all have rare items at one point :D D: