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U hav 2 Dfeat the pkmn league

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Q: How do you get past the sailor in snow point city in Pokemon platinum?
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How do you find sailor Aldrich in Pokemon platinum?

He's the sailor that takes you to islands at Canalave City.

How do you get to iron lsland Pokemon platinum?

Talk to the sailor in Canalave City, it will bring you there.

How does the sailor's son in canalave city get sick in Pokemon platinum?

By darkrai.jou need to fulmoon island. By by from belgium.

How do you get an absol on Pokemon platinum?

you can get absol but only by snow point city

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you have to defeat the elite four then the sailor in snow point city will take you there

How do you catch a abomasnow in Pokemon platinum?

You have to go to snow point city to catch him

Where is halfmoon island on Pokemon platinum?

you need to beet the Pokemon league and go to carnalave city then go in the sailors and speek to the little boy in bed then talt to the sailor.

In Pokemon platinum what do you do after Snow point City?

you go to Sunyshore City and defeat the las gym leader

How do you get to New Moon island but the door is locked Pokemon platinum?

you went to the wrong door . try the door near the sailor in canalve city.

What is the point of the munchlax-shaped island and the guy who thinks its a Pokemon in sunnyshore city in Pokemon platinum?

It doesn't have a point the guy just says it.

Where is Petalburg in Pokemon Platinum?

Petalburg City is not in Pokemon Platinum.

How do you exit full moon island on Pokemon platinum?

you talk to the sailor and he'll ask if you want to go back to the city (whose name i forget)