if the icicles r in the new Mountain Explore thing you click the last one on the bottom row,then the first in the top row,after that you click the second to last one on the top,then the second one on the bottom row,then the last one on the top,then the first one on the bottom, then there will be three on the top and bottom,click the middle icicle out of the three that are left for both top and bottom.
you probably can
Not on the current Club Penguin but I think that they have old Club Penguin on Penguin Chat.
Penguins hate club penguin. The creators of club penguin hate club penguin. I hate club penguin, and that's all that matters. A rough estimate....OVER 9,000!!!! people hate club penguin.
A Club-penguin Pookie is a penguin baby. Someone long ago in club-penguin invented it and now Club-penuguin uses it.
Rearange the icicles
if you want to get past the icicles you have to keep clicking them until you get the top ones to go up and the bottom ones to go down. After that whenever you want to get past them there is going to be a red button right next to them press it your past the icicles i hope this helps you.
First click the icicle on top in the right corner. Then start clicking them randomly!
You have past the Club Penguin Agency test
you probably can
you do your job
Search on Google for a guide. ;)
you have to go past it and it will move
go to http://www.clubpenguingang.com/
You have to wait or they are free on a party.
You throw snowballs at the robot
You Defeat The Hydra