You can't! Mua-ha-haa!
No. Pokemon Black and White have new Pokemon that the past games' engines cannot recognize. Even if you battle with Pokemon from previous generations, they might be loaded with moves from the new generation.
By touching his private parts and licking it:)
he is in the very back corner just past the first house you encounter where the lady heals your pokemon he go down the stairs right past that house he'll be in the sand to your left
The Nimbasa Gym is right of were the old one was (in black / white), past the Ferris wheel, look for the pokeball symbol on the building
You can't! Mua-ha-haa!
No you need to trade it from past games or use the Dream World.
Sweep the elite 4, come back, the cone it the back is gone. Go through. All the way around there is an "underbattleground". At the end, there are stairs. Go up. Get through the grass and use strength. The rock falls and you get easy access any time.
There is no Cerlean city in pokemon black
you train your Pokemon and get a pan pour at the dream yard
You don't need to use the boulder to get in. Once you finish the main story the orange cone that was once blocking an entrance is now gone. Go past where it once was and you will be on the other side.
no you cannot't trade Pokemon from Pokemon black to Pokemon platinum or any past games.
you are unable to send any items from the past games to pokemon black/ white
Past Nacrene City
You need the C gear early in the game,then when you get the game sync, which may be undergoing miantenance, you choose any Pokemon. They will go to sleep and you have access to the dream world for one hour exact every day. Try to find great stuff there, when you get a Pokemon there go on the wireless on the C gear and go to the entralink. The Pokemon you find in the dream world will join you there. The Pokemon are from the past generation games.
The cone is a noun, only verbs have tenses.