You need to get all 8 gym badges and you need a Pokemon that knows surf and maybe cut in your party. Victory road is to the left of viridian town.
to obtain 5,ooo exp in Pokemon leaf green is to put a expirance share on the Pokemon you are training (best place to train is Pokemon league or victory road or clearun cave)
The only way to get Onix on Pokemon Emerald is to trade from Fire Red or Leaf Green.Onix is usually in Mt.Moon or the Victory Road.
you need to get it from kindle road in leaf green its not avable in Pokemon fire red wich blows @$$ FUc4k
victory road victory road
Victory road
past the 8 gyms through victory road
the best Pokemon are on 1 2 and 3 islandsb
the wild Pokemon which you can find in victory road on leaf green are: geodude, graveler, zubat, golbat, onix, machop, machoke, sandshrew and if your lucky enough to find one then sandslash
I am sure you get it from victory road.
chach a rear leaf Pokemon that fly
in twin leaf town
You get through victory road and then challenge the elite four. After that, your objective is to catch all Pokemon in the world.
You can't find mew at all in leafgreen because its a event pokemon.
to obtain 5,ooo exp in Pokemon leaf green is to put a expirance share on the Pokemon you are training (best place to train is Pokemon league or victory road or clearun cave)
In Red, Blue, Yellow, Fire Red, and Leaf Green Moltres is in Victory Road. In Gold, Silver, Crystal, and Heart Gold and Soul Silver Moltres is in Mount Silver.
The only way to get Onix on Pokemon Emerald is to trade from Fire Red or Leaf Green.Onix is usually in Mt.Moon or the Victory Road.
no only the safari zone emerald or safari zone in fire red and leaf green