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First, you have to defeat the Aqua team at Mount Prye, then you have to defeat the Magma team at their hideout near Lavaridge. Then, the guard will be gone.

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Q: How do you get passed the aqua grunt in front of that cave Pokemon emerald?
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You have to get 7 badges in order for the galactic grunt to be in front of the galactic antennas

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for the grunt to come where?

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you need to get a move called surf. You can only give surf to a water Pokemon

How do you move the grunt without Pokemon in front of the cave on Pokemon platinum?

You can not move him in any of the games. He will only move after you beat the boss and team galactic leave. Once they leave he will go with them.

How do you get past grunt in mt coronet Pokemon platinum?

you don't neEd to past a grunt you need to go to a another way, that grunt is there for nothing.