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when you get in the Polar Bear will trap you and tell him a story of his adventures.

After that, get out a Puffle O and throw it at the lever to the side of the gate open thing (it will be a red lever).8. Once you do that throw another Puffle O at the top of the ramp that tilted. Then throw the Puffle O on the platform that is raised. Then the gate will open! After that, try to get out an the door will open but snow will fall on it that will not let you out. After that collect the hot sauce, which is on the table, the rope which is on the boards, the anchor, and the diagram of his machine which is on his wall.

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Q: How do you get out of the cage in the 6 mission in club penguin?
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herbert the bear don't get hungry and look up the cheats on Google in the tol bar and here r some stuff u can put:club penguin cheat for mission 6,club penguin mission 6,and club penguin number6 mission that's all

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go on a new tab (if you know how to do it), then go on youtube, type in club penguin mission 6 walkthrough, click on the first one then follow what is does

In mission 6 in club penguin where do you find the hot chocolate?

In the pizza shop

In club penguin on mission 6 where do you get the puffle food?

Its in a tree shake ALL

What do you use as bait for club penguin mission 6?

The bag of puffle O's

What is the Club Penguin mission 9 about?

its about to track down your old spy phone, as herbert stole in mission 6.

How do you win mission 6 on clubpenguin?

go on youtube and type mission 6 clubpenguin that should do it And it should be How do you beat misson 6 on club penguin.