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Once you have been released from the cage there is blueprints that are right above the table. Click o them and you have the blueprints.

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Q: On mission 6 on club penguin where are the blueprints?
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How do you use the blueprints inmisson 6 on club penguin?

Give them to g at the end

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herbert the bear don't get hungry and look up the cheats on Google in the tol bar and here r some stuff u can put:club penguin cheat for mission 6,club penguin mission 6,and club penguin number6 mission that's all

What do you do on the mission question for a crab on club penguin?

go on a new tab (if you know how to do it), then go on youtube, type in club penguin mission 6 walkthrough, click on the first one then follow what is does

In mission 6 in club penguin where do you find the hot chocolate?

In the pizza shop

In club penguin on mission 6 where do you get the puffle food?

Its in a tree shake ALL

What do you use as bait for club penguin mission 6?

The bag of puffle O's

What is the Club Penguin mission 9 about?

its about to track down your old spy phone, as herbert stole in mission 6.

How do you win mission 6 on clubpenguin?

go on youtube and type mission 6 clubpenguin that should do it And it should be How do you beat misson 6 on club penguin.

How do you get the key on club penguin crab mission?

On Mission 6, the black puffle releases you from the cage. You don't need a key.

When will mission 6 come out?

Mission 6 on Club Penguin? Or Moshi Monsters? If on Moshi monsters, it should come out in maybe 2 weeks or so from now (17/07/11 or 07/17/11). If on Club penguin, there should already be a mission 6. On the next Moshi monsters super moshi mission the reward moshiling is Dustbin Beaver of the secrets.