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It's from team plasma i think they use it when they are on liberty island because the Pokemon Victiny is there and you need the liberty pass to get there because it's a special event and Victiny is a special Pokemon and team plasma want's to capture it so they can use it for evil you know how they are :p

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Q: How do you get on the yellow boat on Pokemon Black and White?
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What is the black boat for in Pokemon Black and White?


How do you get on the black boat on Pokemon White?

You can't.

What is the black boat on Pokemon white?

It's Team Plasmas boat!

What is that black boat in Pokemon White for?

go on it and find out.

How could you aboard the yellow boat on Pokemon Black and White?

Go talk to the man and trade him a heart scale and he will let you on the boat and he will take you to the space center which you will catch your fat

What does the black boat do in Pokemon Black and White?

It doesn't do anything that I am aware of, as it is Team Plasma's boat which they would use but it doesn't do anything and you can't board it.

How do you get on the black boat in Pokemon white?

You can't. It belongs to Team Plasma, but it doesn't really do anything.

Where does the black boat go in Pokemon white?

The black boat that can be found located to your left on Prime Pier in Castelia City does not go anywhere and serves no purpose in the game.

How do you get to the Pokemon event in Pokemon Black and White .?

You go to the final dock in castelia city and take the boat. You have to take out team plasma on the island

Where is white island in Pokemon white?

Whakaari or White Island is an active marine volcano in New Zealand. It is located 48 kilometers off the shores of Whakatane, and accessible by boat or helicopter.

Can you go to other regions in Pokemon white?

Yes,you have to go to the city where all the skyscrapers are and go onto the black boat.

Where can you massage your Pokemon in Pokemon black?

in castelia city, city with boat to victini