Have a Pokemon with a very high cuteness (feed it many sweet poffins) and talk to a guy in pastoria city in a house that has greenish hair (an ace trainer)
To get the Pink Scarf, you must win a master rank cute contest
You get the blue scarf in a house near the edge of pastoria city, but that pokemon's stat for whatever contest you want must be maxed out
im not so sure... but i think that when u go to the Pokemon fan club in slateport city and talk to one person, ur first Pokemon in ur list should be good in beauty contests for blue scarf, smart for green scarf, cute for pink scarf, cool for red scarf, and tough for yellow scarf. or at least that's kinda how it is in ruby and sapphire, except that they can only get one scarf.
there is not but i found a pink skunkry on route 104
You get the Silk Scarf on Pokemon Emerald in a house in Dewford Town.A Man gives it to you in there. When held by a Pokemon,the Silk Scarf raises the power of its Normal-Type Moves.
To get the Pink Scarf, you must win a master rank cute contest
You get the blue scarf in a house near the edge of pastoria city, but that pokemon's stat for whatever contest you want must be maxed out
Go to Pastoria and make sure your your pokemons coolness toughness cuteness beautyness or smartness is full then talk to a guy and he will ask you if you want a scarf say yes. Diffrent Scarves Require diffrent conditions to be full. Full Coolness-Red scarf Full Cuteness-Pink scarf Full Smartness-Green scarf Full Beautyness-Blue scarf Full Toughness-Yellow scarf
You can get a pink Burmy after battling inside buildings.
You can get a pink Burmy after battling inside buildings.
im not so sure... but i think that when u go to the Pokemon fan club in slateport city and talk to one person, ur first Pokemon in ur list should be good in beauty contests for blue scarf, smart for green scarf, cute for pink scarf, cool for red scarf, and tough for yellow scarf. or at least that's kinda how it is in ruby and sapphire, except that they can only get one scarf.
You can get Choice Scarf in the building right in front of th Battle Tower at the Fight Area for 48BP, its at the left side of the building.
plusle is a pink rabbit pokemon. you can get one in the trophy garden on certain days
there is not but i found a pink skunkry on route 104
You get the Silk Scarf on Pokemon Emerald in a house in Dewford Town.A Man gives it to you in there. When held by a Pokemon,the Silk Scarf raises the power of its Normal-Type Moves.
After you got the national Dex and caught/fought heatran you go back to spear pillar and you'll see a blue diamond and a pink diamond (blue-dialga, pink-palkia)
Pokemon diamond