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get a nidoran (purple one) train it until it evolves into Nidorino, then give it a Moon Stone. You should get a Nidoking.

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Q: How do you get nidoking in pokemon leafgreen?
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How do you teach nidoking the move thrash in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Nidoking learns Thrash at level 22.

What Pokemon to get in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Try to get an alakazam, pidgoet, nidoking, starmie, arcanine and your starter

What is the best Pokemon party Pokemon LeafGreen?

Blastoise Raichu Butterfree Fearow Nidoking Rhydon (Gengar but put in Nidoking instead incase you cant trade) =]

Can nidoking breed with a nidoqueen in Pokemon LeafGreen?

yes but the egg will always be a female nidoran.

Can nidoking learn surf on LeafGreen?


Good team in Pokemon LeafGreen?

a good, easy to obtain team (my favoritooo) is... charizard gyarados jolteon hitmonchan dragonite and nidoking DO IT!

What type is the Pokemon Nidoking?

Nidoking is a dual Poison/Ground-type Pokemon.

How do you get 8badge in Pokemon LeafGreen?

You defeat Giovanni (which is also the Team Rocket Boss). He is in Viridian City, and his Pokemons are Rhyhorn, Dugtrio, Nidoqueen, Nidoking, and Rhydon.

When does nidoran evolve in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Both forms of Nidoran evolve at lv. 16, but you must have a moon stone to get it into a Nidoking or Queen. Hope this helps

Which Pokemon evolve to nidoking?

Nidorino evolves into Nidoking.

Can you breed a nidoking?

You can breed a Nidoking with another Pokemon in the Pokemon games. Any female Pokemon from the Monster or Field egg groups is able to breed with Nidoking.

How do you easily beat the elite four in Pokemon leafgreen with a 45 nidoking 50 Zapdos 50 Articuno 26 hitmonlee 66 venusaur and 25 lapras? dont