you need to catch a beldum on route 228 and get it to level 20 to evolve it into metang then level it up to level 45 to get a metacross
You can catch Palkia in Pearl and tranfer Dialga to pearl from diamond.
how to get shining Pokemon on pearl vershow can you get shining Pokemon in pearl version
What is the pokemon pearl ID?
you have to trade cyndaquil to pearl to get it
Palkia is the legendary Pokemon in Pearl, and there is also various Pokemon found in Pearl, but not in Diamond. Diamond has some, that Pearl doesn't have.
fight with: purple eyes or red eyes on Mt. Layuda. I don't realy know who it is... red or purple eyes let you fight with metacross. catch and that's it!
You have to evolve your metacross who is the evolved form of beldum.
My team: -Espeon -Metacross -Swampert -Arcanine -Salamence -Raichu
You can't find metagross you must train a beldum which you can get from steven's house.
after you have beaten all the missions go to the go rock squads base in the sekra range(you wil need 2 tangelas to get there)go in the base and you will find metacross at the far end of the base. You may have to fight him with 2 beldums.
pearl pearl pearl pearl pearl pearl
you cant get a diamond on Pokemon pearl but you can get a pearl on diammond ...and pearl.
Dimond and Pearl Dimond and Pearl Dimond and Pearl Dimond and Pearl
You need two DS, one with pearl and one with Heart Gold, then you enter any Pokemon center and go to the union room lady and talk to her. Then talk to the trainer in the union room and select trade.
Pearl is the name of the game. There is no person named pearl! I repeat there is no person named pearl!
No, they are different. Freshwater pearl refers to where the pearl came from originally and cultured pearl refers to an artistic technique that is done to the pearl in production.