Junes Zahdi's birth name is Younes Butakmani.
The color of June's birthstone, the pearl, can vary but is typically white, cream, or a pale pink.
Three Junes was created in 2002.
Junes Zahdi is 188 cm.
Three Junes was published in May, 2002.
The ISBN of Three Junes is 0-375-42144-0.
Junes Zahdi was born on November 13, 1984, in Dsseldorf, Germany.
Junes pet of the month is the elephant, Julys pet of the month is a cheeky monkey.
Jaime Stone's birth name is Jaime Stone.
Mildred Stone's birth name is Mildred I. Stone.
Beyonce's birth stone is a sapphire.