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Once you have the card key go to floor 3 and enter the card key door on the left near the rocket grunt go toward the portal you will be sent to floor 7 defeat your rival then talk to the guy nearby then go to the portal below you this will lead to floor 11 where the boss rocket is. Defeat the rocket grunt then open the door and defeat the boss rocket then talk to the silph co president he will give you the master ball.

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Q: How do you get inside to the boss in the siph co in the saffron city in Pokemon FireRed version?
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Where do you get psychic in Pokemon FireRed?

In Saffron city there is a house in the bottom right corner. The man inside will be sitting on the right side of the table inside the house. Talk to him and he will give you psychic

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On 1 Island, he's standing next to the trading machine inside of the Pokemon center.

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To get the TM psychic go to saffron city and go right from the Pokemon center there will be a house with a mailbox it says MR psychic go inside and talk to him he will give you the TM now teach it to a Pokemon that can learn and there you go you have psychic.

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Where is sliph co. on Pokemon FireRed?

Silph Co. is in Saffron City. Go through the City to the GIGANTIC Building, go inside, and then go to this web page for help then on:

Where is Articuno in Pokemon FireRed?

Inside Seafoam Islands.

Where to get TM 29-psychic in FireRed?

Go to saffron city and go toward the Pokemon center go to the right until you find house near a mailbox go inside and talk to the guy you will get the TM Psychic.

How do you get the key for the 7th gym in Pokemon firered?

its inside the mansion

What is inside the altering cave in Pokemon firered?

Nothing but Zubat.

How do you get in the first gym in Pokemon FireRed?

Simply go inside.

In Pokemon firered where do you get growithe?

u can find growlithe inside Pokemon mansion, which is on cinnebar island.